move – strom bewegt

Starting in 2008, electromobility has been one of the most sustainable initiatives of the Austrian Federal Government so far. BieM (Federal Initiative eMobility Austria) has also committed itself to this objective and since 2013 has been supporting a large number of awareness raising projects and initiatives. Specifically, the information service for children and young people is currently still insufficiently available. For this reason, BieM has set itself the goal, especially for the target group of 14 - 16 years, to prepare the subject of electric mobility in a new format.

The targeted information and addressing this target group, via the targeted medium of the educational film, should allow a new quality level in the awareness raising and the critical examination of the topic mobility and in particular the electric mobility. The core target group are young people between the ages of 14 and 16 years. The potential "reach" for the film in Austria lies with all adolescents of compulsory school age - especially in the age group 14 - 16 with up to 250.000 persons. Through the BMBF, this film was also shown as a teaching and information film at the schools. Corresponding teaching aids were created as an accompaniment.

Client This project was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented under the "Modellregion Elektromobilität 2015" program.
Project Partners tbw research GesmbH (Lead),
BieM, Bundesinitiative eMobility Austria,
cmobility Ingenieurbüro für Verkehrstelematik e.U.,
Spirit Design,
WIMEN - Verein zur Vernetzung und Stärkung von weiblicher Expertise in den Bereichen Mobilität, Umwelt, Energie und Öffentlicher Raum

Project Duration January 2016 to August 2017
Services of tbwr Project lead,
Gender sensitivity,
Creation of accompanying teaching materials