The goal was to create a mobility platform that not only allowed the user to inform oneself about all available means of transport but to even let the customer book, pay and use them. After extensive development the prototype was extensively tested by over 1.000 pilot users. In May 2015 the project officially ended.
On November 27th, 2014 smile received the PMA award from „Projektmangement Austria“. The price is designed for project teams that reach outstanding performances and results through project management.
The National Mobility Price (Staatspreis Mobilität) serves as the highest award of the Austrian Ministry of Transportation, Innovation and Technology. Smile reached the final and was one of the three nominated projects in the category “Research. Development. Showing new ways.” („Forschen. Entwickeln. Neue Wege weisen.“).
At the UITP World Congress and Exhibition in Milano in June 2015, smile was awarded in the category „customer experience“.