gemmA project completion – catalogue of measures available
We are pleased to present the catalogue of measures that was developed as part of the gemmA project.
Over the past two years, Angelika Rauch and Julia Simhandl have supported the project with their gender expertise, focusing on the development of personas and use cases.
The catalogue of measures – beautifully designed by Maria Juschten and Manuela Beran from the Graz Energy Agency – is now available online.
The gemmA project pursued the overarching goal of investigating sustainable, multi-modal mobility behaviour in relation to the gender aspect. In the project, mobility platforms were examined for possible barriers and challenges for predefined groups of people in order to develop optimisation potential for mobility platforms based on these findings.
Project team: TechMeetsLegal (consortium lead), Grazer Energieagentur GesmbH, Upstream – next level mobility GmbH, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, tbw research GesmbH
Catalogue of measures: Download (German)
This project was funded by the BMK and carried out as part of the ‘Talente: FEMtech Research Projects 2021’ programme.