Diese Woche fand der MobiTOOLs Abschlussworkshop in der ÖBB Open Innovation Factory in Wien statt.…
Julia Schmid im Interview mit der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
"Es gibt kein Richtig und kein Falsch bei Betrieblichem Mobilitätsmanagemnet,.." sagt unsere BMM Expertin Julia…
gemmA project completion – catalogue of measures available
We are pleased to present the catalogue of measures that was developed as part of…
Kick-off of the Horizon Europe Project “REUSE”
We are thrilled to share the first Press Release from REUSE! On October 30-31, 2024,…
Masterplan Gehen Donaustadt – erste Umsetzungen geplant!
Unser Masterplan Gehen für den Fußverkehr in Wien Donaustadt (22.) trägt Früchte! In einer ORF…
Masterplan Gehen – 45% der Fläche Wiens von tbw research geplant
Gute Neuigkeiten für den Fußverkehr in Wien! Nach den Bezirken Floridsdorf (21.), Donaustadt (22.) und…
MEIDLINGER „L“ Publikation online
Im Sondierungsprojekt MEIDLINGER „L“ wurden bis Ende 2022 partizipative und skalierbare Klimawandelanpassungen im Bestand an…
Leitprojekt ULTIMOB abgeschlossen – Policy Briefing und Impactanalyse online
Mehr als vier Jahre intensive und erfolgreiche Projektarbeit in den ULTIMOB-Pilotregionen und im Projekt generell…
Schwerpunkt Masterpläne Gehen bei der walk-space 2024
Die 18. Österreichische Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen fand am 4. und 5. Juni 2024 in der…
the better way – Teamklausur mit Schwerpunkt DEI
DEI - was ist das? Nachdem das tbw in unserem Firmennamen für "the better way"…
BMM-Expertin Julia Schmid als Autorin für Praxishandbuch
Julia Schmid konnte in den vergangenen Jahren ihr Expertise rund um betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement (BMM) immer…
BMM – Buchvorstellung mit Autorin Julia Schmid
Am 29. April 2024 präsentierte Julia Schmid, Expertin im betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagement (BMM), ihren Beitrag im…
EL-MO Award 2024 für eTaxi Austria
Bereits zum 14. Mal fand am 23. und 24. April 2024 die EL-Motion in Wien…
5 Pitches in 5 Minutes – Julia Schmid gibt einen Impuls im Bereich Mobilität
Bei "Die Welt von Morgen" werden Generationen in einen Austausch gebracht um gemeinsam die Zukunft…
LiDo geht auf der walk-space 2023
Die österreichische Fachkonferenz für Fußgänger*innen fand 2023 am 11. und 12. Oktober im Weizer Kunsthaus…
Technologiereport 2022 / 2023: Urbane Mobilität
Der Technologiereport der Wirtschaftsagentur zum Thema Urbane Mobilität für das Jahr 2022-2023 konzentriert sich auf…
Kommt vorbei zum WIMEN Klima-Zukunfts-Talk am 19.10.!
Am 19.10.2023 um 17:00 Uhr findet der spannende WIMEN Klima-Zukunfts-Talk statt. Wo? Im Österreichischen Gesellschafts-…
Projektabschluss “LiDo geht”
Die Zusammenarbeit der letzten Jahre am Projekt „LiDo geht“ wurde am 03. Oktober 2023 in…
Erster Matrix Charging eTaxi-Ladestandplatz in Betrieb
Am 13. September 2023 wurde der 1. Wiener Taxistandplatz mit dem automatisierten Ladesystem Matrix Charging…
PolicyLab Kick Off: Lösungswege, um die Mobilitätswende jetzt rasch anzugehen
Am 28. Juni 2023 fand das Kick-Off Event des PolicyLab - Mobilitätswende Jetzt! unter dem…
Invenium Webinar mit Julia Simhandl und Clemens Raffler: Transportation Insights
Unsere Kolleg*innen Julia Simhandl und Clemens Raffler hielten am 28. Juni 2023 das spannende Webinar…
eTaxi Austria bei der E3+ Mobility Convention 2023 Tirol
Unsere Kollegin und Projektleiterin, Marlene Doiber, brachte am 25. Mai 2023 bei der E3+ Mobility…
Angelika Rauch und Roland Hackl im Standard: Warum man überfüllte Züge sportlich sehen sollte
Unsere Geschäftsführerin Angelika Rauch und Kollege Roland Hackl im Gastkommentart in DerStandard „über Probleme der…
IEA Bioenergy Task 42 – Rückblick Nationales Vernetzungstreffen Oktober 2022 & Präsentationen
Am 13.10.2022 fand das jährliche IEA Bioenergie Task 42 Netzwerktreffen, diesmal am IFA Tulln statt.…
Halbzeit bei Trans|formator:in!
Vor 2 Jahren hat die Reise der Trans|formator:in begonnen und heute stehen wir bei der…
Roland Hackl zu Gast im Podcast: Boden für Alle
Boden für Alle? Im ORTE Podcast wird die Bodenversiegelung am Beispiel Niederösterreich thematisiert. Vor allem…
Bewusstseinsbildung in der Mobilität
Beim 1. Pinzgauer Mobilitätsfrühling in der Innenstadt von Saalfelden am 23. April, konnten wir als…
Angelika Rauch as speaker at the ÖVG Dialogue on 3 May 2022
Shaping mobility: Roadmap for the transformation of the transport system Our Managing Director Angelika Rauch…
Angelika Rauch als Referentin des 3. Zukunftsdialog der BieM
Chancen und Hürden für den Öffentlichen Verkehr der Zukunft?! Bei dem gestrigen BieM - Zukunftsdialog…
The report on the results of the MUKE project is now available for download!
After the end of the MUKE project, the results report on the subject of goods logistics innovations…
IEA Bioenergy Task 42 – Rückblick Nationales Vernetzungstreffen Juni 2021 & Präsentationen
Die Vernetzung und der Informationsaustausch zum Themenkomplex Bioraffinerie sind wesentliche Ziele des Tasks 42. Auf…
Projektstart LiDo geht
With "LiDo geht" a new project of the mobility agency Vienna starts. The districts of…
eTaxi Austria press launch in Vienna and Graz
On September 14 and 15, 2021, press events took place in the eTaxi Austria pilot…
Angelika Rauch moderated: Meidlinger Klima-Grätzl Symposium in Vienna
Klima-Grätzl - quality of life and mobility. Super-Grätzl in Vienna Different perspectives and visions, exciting…
Angelika Rauch in the standard article: Bicycle City Vienna – Where there is a will, there is a cycle path
The standard article on Vienna, the city of bicycles, shows the visions and obstacles that…
HAINFELDrädchen: ecological shopping, delivery and procurement service with the cargo bike!
HAINFELDrädchen is a public good-oriented shopping, delivery and procurement service for rural regions that bundles…
Funding commitment from the Climate and Energy Fund for eTaxi Austria
eTaxi 2.0 - Decarbonisation of the taxi fleets in Vienna and Graz An international jury…
E-mobility in urban housing – Ready to URcharge ?! (Moderation: Marlene Doiber)
e-mobility in urban multi-party housing - Ready to URcharge?! The research and pilot project URCHARGE…
Now available: The OptiMaaS recommendation papers on holistic mobility solutions for the urban periphery
The recommendations can be seen as entry points for urban policy makers, practitioners, property developers,…
Marlene Doiber as Young Science Ambassador at Science Day 2021
Marlene Doiber is listed as a Young Science Ambassador at the OeAD-GmbH - Agency for…
Marlene Doiber discussed the potential of e-mobility as a job engine
e-mobility as a job engine? At the 2nd BieM mobility dialogue on May 25, 2021…
“The city of short distances” – when living and working come closer together again.
Angela Muth presented the #OptiMaaS project and discussed at the 18th Urban Lunch Talk by…
Interview with the RemiHub project team
RemiHub was the first Austrian project to win the Innovation in Politics Award 2020. In…
Invitation to the RemiHub online stakeholder workshop on May 20th, 2021
The RemiHub consortium is examining the transferability to other sectors and cities in Austria. Public…
Angela Muth as input provider at the 1st specialist event of the ÖREK on May 7th, 2021
So that mobility and logistics are not neglected when it comes to digitization, Angela Muth…
RemiHub wins the “Quality of Life” category at the International Innovation in Politics Awards 2020
Our research project RemiHub was announced today as winner in the "Quality of Life" category at…
RemiHub in the finale in “Innovation in Politics Awards 2020”
We are glad and excited that our project RemiHub – inner-city delivery hubs has been…
Roland Hackl presenting the RemiHub-project to the UNECE
RemiHub: The project receives more and more attention! The next workshop of the Working Party…
OptiMaas: International Expert-Questionnaire
Get involved! – Take part in our international expert-questionnaire! What is the key to establish…
Angelika Rauch at the BieM4Future Conference in Schwaz (Tyrol)
The BieM4Future Tirol 2020 conference took place at Schwaz in Tyrol from 6th to 7th…
Wiebke Unbehaun presenting the “Cool Streets” Project at ECOMM 2020
New Mobility – An Opportunity for Urban and Rural Regeneration Wiebke Unbehaun introduced the "Cool…
H2020 WaysTUP! – project's social media are live now
We are more than happy to inform that the project's social media are now online:…
Clemens Raffler as Lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology, Research Unit Urban and Regional Research
Since March 2020, Clemens Raffler has been a lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology,…
Wiebke Unbehaun has been a lecturer at the FH Joanneum in Kapfenberg since 2019, in the master’s degree “Energy and Transport Management”.
Since 2019 Wiebke Unbehaun teaches at the FH Joanneum, in the master program Energy and…
Publication of the results from active2work
After a successful end of the project and great interest in the results of the…
Of superblocks and other car-free dreams
This is how provocative the headline of the article in the publication by Wojciech Czaja…
Promoting active mobility – the new paper of ACTIV8
The ACTIV8! team presents their latest paper "Promoting active mobility: Evidence-based decision-making using statistical models"…
EU LIFE Project #farm4more Kick off meeting
The official Kick off meeting for EU LIFE project "Farm4More" took place on the 6th…
H2020 WaysTUP! – Kick off Meeting in Valencia
On 2nd and 3rd of October 2019, the kick-off meeting for the Horizon 2020 project…
RemiHub @ BVL State of the Art Veranstaltung
Im Rahmen der State of the Art Veranstaltung der Bundesvereinigung Logistik Österreich (BVL) am 24.…
ULTIMOB @ ITS Austria Konferenz 2019
Under the slogan "individual / cooperative / comprehensive", the ITS Austria Platform invites to the…
tbw research strongly represented at the national Cycling Summit 2019
The annual cycling summit in Graz has become a fixture among the national events. tbw…
WIMEN Board Members at the Future Mobility 2019 in Berlin
As part of the Future Mobility 2019 in Berlin on April 9, 2019, a workshop…
Marlene Doiber presenting smart commuting at the final event for the ENSCC Call (JPI-UE)
On April 2, 2019, the closing event of the "ERA-NET Cofund Call Smart Cities and…
Angelika Rauch confirmed as Vice Chairwoman in the association WIMEN
On March 26, 2019, the annual general meeting of the association WIMEN took place in…
Marlene Doiber joins E-Mobility-expert discussion in E-Mob-Train course
This year, for the 6th time already, the part-time e-learning course E-Mob-Train will take place,…
The active2work project team invites you to the final presentation
The active2work project team presents the results of the exploration and discusses the feasibility and…
E-mobility expert Marlene Doiber discussing with students from VBS Handelsakademie Augarten
As a Young Science Ambassador, Marlene Doiber was invited to talk about everyday life in…
Renata Pereira de Souza presents OptiMaaS at JPI Urban Europe event
JPI Urban Europe invited all projects funded in the Making Cities Work call to a…
EU-Korea Cluster visits tbwr
As part of the European Cluster Collaboration, the departments of tbw research have been given…
FREE IEA Bioenergy Webinar October 17, 2018
The IEA Bioenergy invites you to the free international webinar "Decision Support Tools for Bioeconomy…
Panel discussion with Angelika Rauch at the 'Krone E-Mobility Play Days'
The event 'Fleet e-loaded' - held by LeasePlan Austria - takes place on Friday, 28 September…
Experts and employees discussed new ways of commuting by bike or walking
In the course of our feasibility study active2work, the first two rounds of discussions took…
VCÖ Mobility Award 2018: Top 5 nomination for MULE
Together with our project partners we can look forward to a nomination as the Top…
Looking back on a successful conference
Last week, the 2nd BieM Conference 'Future e-mobility starts today' took place at the Novomatic…
Upcoming Events September & October
September 2018: 5. Project Kick Off Smart Order & Delivery 6. BieM Conference (German) 12. …
'e4-share' policy brief now online
Based on the results of the 'e4-share' project, Marlene Doiber, Roland Hackl and Clemens Raffler…
OptiMaaS: International consortium receives positive decision on research project
OptiMaas aims for 'Optimized Mobility as a Service' - which means improved mobility services. The…
Active mobility on the rise
With the two research projects active2work and ACTIV8II tbw research is focussing on the research…
Strong performance at the TRA 2018 in Vienna
In 2018 the Transport Research Arena took place at Messe Wien and tbw research was…
Marlene Doiber as a Young Science Ambassador
In 2018, Marlene Doiber (eh Hawelka) was named Young Science Ambassador by the Center for…
DATUM-Interview with CEO Angelika Rauch
In the edition 4/2018 of the magazine 'DATUM' Angelika Rauch was interviewed together with three…
e4-share Final Event
On 12th of December 2017, the results of the e4-share project were presented and discussed…
July 2017: Marlene Hawelka is awarded 'FEMtech-Expert' of the month
In July 2017, Marlene Hawelka was awarded FEMtech-Expert of the month. After being invited to…
Presentation of the ACTIV8! Project at the Radgipfel 2017
As part of networking with potential users of ACTIV8!, the first results of the project…
FM.DAY 2016
Valeria Ledochowski was invited as a panelist: 'Business has only two Functions – Innovation and…
'GreenCityHubs' receives VCÖ Mobility Award 2016
Each year, VCÖ organizes the an award for mobility projects and solutions. The '25. Mobility…
SMILE als Preisträger des pma award 2014
Am 27. November 2014 erhielt das Projekt smile den PMA award von Projektmanagement Austria. Der Preis zeichnet…